#btw! mysterious knight if you are reading this i am happy to do a similar trading of questions with you
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ladydragonkiller · 2 years ago
It's funny how yarn has such a knack for being accidentally collected. Somehow, my yarn stash is always growing.
How is Apollo? I hope he enjoys the sunbeam. It sounds nice and warm.
My favorite tree is the beech, or maybe the sugar maple. They commonly grow in forests together, anyway. The woods near my childhood home was a beech-maple forest, and the one near my grandparents too. Plus, they're gorgeous in the fall, and they're a lovely green in the spring.
What's your favorite color? You can go into detail describing it, if you'd like. (Perhaps it's one of my goals to get you monologuing.)
Best wishes,
M. Cowboy
Yarn falls right in the trap of beautiful, useful (to keep hands busy), and expensive (depending on what you get). I need to rework one of my current projects, hit a snag (figurative) in it a while back and haven't gotten back into the rhythm of it yet.
Apollo is doing well! He missed me and my siblings over the weekend, as we were out of town, and was very happy to see us back last night. Unfortunately it's quite dreary out today, so he isn't in as high spirits as he is when it's sunny and lovely out, but last I saw he was taking a snoozle on the couch. Honestly, I'm a bit jealous.
Those are both lovely trees! I think my family used to have a sugar maple in our front yard, but it got cut down by the city years ago. Now there's only an indent where the stump used to be :(
It's hard to pick a favorite color, as there are so many pretty ones in the world. However, I can pick a favorite color category. In the past, this used to be jewel-toned purples, blues, and greens, the colors that populate a peacock's tail or the ocean's deep.
Nowadays, I find myself drawn towards warmer colors. Oranges, yellows, browns, the colors that put me in mind of sunflowers or baked breads or healthy dirt or the flash of a butterfly's wing. I especially like a yellow that's right on the cusp of orange. Lemon or daffodil yellows are all well and good, but a shade that's golden and fiery and alive is my favorite.
Because of the delicate nature of oranges (not that it's a delicate color, but that many shades of orange could be instead classified as a red or a brown or a yellow with a half-convincing argument), I think that this particular shade pushes the category of orange into the spot of my favorite color.
Of course, I still very much enjoy purples and blues and greens and pinks and all those as well, but this?
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This feels like home to me, nowadays.
What's your favorite color?
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faemen · 4 years ago
Now I do need to ask bc I forgot yesterday but PLEASE tell me more about Dainkaeya. I met Dainsleif yesterday so I am indeed seeing it but I want ur thoughts. Rant as much as you want btw I’ll read anything you have to say 👀
THANK YOU RAZOR!!! i happy stimmed when seeing this
MAJOR genshin impact spoilers the cut!! mostly for the we will be reunited quest line, but also for kaeya's backstory and other major plot details^^
OKAY when i first considered it, it was really just 'ha. they both wear eyepatches and are tall. wouldnt that be funny' but as i went through dainsleif's quest, it occurred to me like wait. so you know how in kaeya's backstory, he's actually from khaenri'ah and whatnot? well, there's a chance he might ACTUALLY be of royal descent, one of the last. and remember what dainsleif was? he's supposed to be a guard of khaenri'ah.... see where i'm going with this?
mihoyo does have a habit of ignoring perfectly good and fascinating theories (*cough cough* kazuscara *cough cough*) BUT this one also genuinely does make a lot of sense and brings up a whole lot of questions and potential. what would dainsleif think when seeing that there's someone from the place he failed to protect, that didnt turn into an abyss creature? what would kaeya think when seeing someone so deeply intertwined with his past? what if they KNEW each other i think id just die probably
and since khaenri'ah is pretty doomed, there are so many ways they could go with it.. revival of a long forgotten but also legendary region maybe? or just entirely going against the people who they were once responsible for? starting a new life away from the ties of the past? it's just a super 'wow us against the world' kind of pairing.
also, theyre pretty similar honestly. pretty mysterious (both those words separately too) and its funny to think of dain getting flustered. non angsty or modern aus would be so hilarious i cant even explain why.. the knight/king pairing is fun to consider too!! i personally really like royal aus and stuff so the brainworms got to me so bad. i REALLY REALLY hope they get to interact please not only for my shipper brain but ALSo for my theorizer brain they are just so cool... many thoughts head full. anyways yes they are bfs, mihoyo told me so
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tetrakys · 5 years ago
About Ikemen Vampire...
I finally got around to do the Ikemen Vampire first impressions post no one asked for, but I said I would do.
I’ve had the app on my phone for a while now, I mostly login and do the minigame to pile up on points and diamonds, but I’ve also played the butler event and a few chapters of Napoleon’s route.
FYI I only red a couple of spoilers on one route, so I’m jumping into this completely blind. Here we go.
The Premise:
A bunch of famous men from history turned vampires all living in the same mansion during a specific time in the past. On one side this is kinda interesting, on the other I know too much about many of these people (including their real aspect) to not face-palm every time I read their names, that’s why it took me so long to start this game. I knew it would need some getting used to it, and I have to admit I still find it strange at times. But well...
MC is, at least for now, the typical japanese otome game MC, so nothing exciting here, but maybe she will get gutsier moving forward? One can only hope. At least I like her love for travelling and she seems to know several languages.
Anyway if I’d been in her place, spending one month in the past with all these famous historical figures around, like hell I would’ve accepted to be a maid. I would’ve spent the whole time exploring and interviewing, I would’ve cut a deal with Le Comte, I’m sure he would’ve said yes. 
Anyway, let’s get to the guys, knowing that I’m an otome hoe and of course the plan is to get with all them (except maybe one). Team harem always for the win.
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Ei fu.   Siccome immobile, Dato il mortal sospiro, Stette la spoglia immemore Orba di tanto spiro, Così percossa, attonita5 La terra al nunzio sta, ...
99% of the people reading won’t know what this is about. It’s one of the most important italian poems ever, it was written to celebrate Napoleon Bonaparte, it’s called Il Cinque Maggio (the date of Napoleon’s death... or in this case... resurrection as a vampire?). It’s huge, 108 verses, and I had to learn the whole thing by memory in school. It was so painful that it stuck with me to this day. That’s why I have a sort of love/hate relationship with the man.
But I decided to start with him for two reasons: I find this version of him hot and mysterious and I know his sexy scene is free so... who am I to turn down sexy times for free??
His back story of being half human half vampire is interesting and I am curious to see where this is going. I’m also curios to see how much cybird is sticking to history because the emperor had an interesting life to say the least. Including two wives, which I don’t want to think about because I am extremely jealous of all my otome boyfriends so I hope they are going to ignore this detail.
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Yeah... no... this is so wrong... the guy died in exile in St Elena after failing to get his power back, speculations say that maybe he was even poisoned. It wasn’t a peaceful death and definitely he had regrets. 
I feel like I am putting too much thought into this and I should take the game as if these are just random people.
Anyway, Napoleon the character has a really pretty design, I love his eyes and his mysterious aura, and he looks like the honorable knight type. I hope he has also a kinky side because that’s how I roll and too good is not exactly my thing. He said he’s not attracted to MC pfff.... bullshit of course. We’ll see.
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I don’t have much to say about Mozart because I’ve seen very little of him. I like his design, he seems to be the cold and slightly asshole type which I generally like, but too cold could put me off. If they’re going for any realism at all there could maybe be some daddy issues in his route?
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This was the route that originally interested me the most because Leonardo was a genius and he’s the closest to home. Let’s ignore the fact that people keep using Da Vinci as if it was his surname WHICH IS NOT ,“da” means “from” and “Vinci” is a town, Leonardo from Vinci, he didn’t have a surname because he was a natural son. But other than that, there are two main points that make me consider skipping his route altogether. 
First of all, this is the only spoiler I have about the game, I know this story is sad whatever the ending, and I don’t do sad in my escapism. I only want happy endings, people may not agree but that’s my personal philosophy for playing these games.
Second, that “cara mia” triggers my rage every time I read it. As I explained in another post, “cara mia” is paternalistic and kinda offensive, “mia cara” is the sweet, caring one. The writers picked the wrong one and it’s soooo annoying to read. Especially because he repeats it quite a lot.
So, I’m not 100% sure yet, but this might be the first time in my history as an otome-player that I skip a route.
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This. Adorable. Rascal. He might be the second route I play after Napoleon because I can’t wait to banter with this guy (if MC’s personality allows it). 
He seems as smart as his real counter-part and I like it.
I find a little annoying that he speaks like someone pretending to be British, it seems like the writers tried too hard, but what he says is kinda hilarious and I want him to (try to) bite me 👀
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I assume they didn’t go completely with the realistic route here, otherwise Vincent should be a little coo coo, but the guy was sensitive and fragile and it seems that this was somehow preserved in the character. He has both ears though, so he probably isn’t completely suicidal. 
However he seems the totally sugary sweet type which is really not my thing. But I also heard he has one of the hottest sexy scenes in the game so colour me intrigued 👀
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THIS! This is my man! I don’t know why I always fall for the tsundere, it’s not like I’m a masochist and like to be mistreated, but I like the bantering and I hope that MC is going to be cool enough to allow me to reply to him in tone. I really want to fight with him! 👀
Also, he’s sexy, and the fact that I know absolutely nothing about him, helps me not feeling annoyed by whatever it has been done to the character. 
I don’t know what to expect from his route. Does he have a brother complex? Is he jealous because his brother is a genius and he was a simple merchant? Why were they both turned? So many questions. Give me this beautiful asshole’s route soon cybird!
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I know nothing about him too, but there’s something in him that irks me. He has a sort of paternalistic attitude, too many compliments, too polite... Also, that kimono has a strange fit.
On the positive side he seems protective and I like his quirkiness, so we’ll see.
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Newton is the one that, together with Leonardo, interested me the most for pure principle. And, in this case, I am quite satisfied. I like his aesthetics and personality-wise he seems similar to Mozart, quiet, distant type. We’ll see.
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I keep wondering why they turned a female character male, they could’ve added a wlw route. Anyway, I won’t complain because look-wise I like him the most out of everyone. The eye patch intrigues me, I like his style and I find him really beautiful. I know though that his route is the least sexy and that’s a bummer. I am curious about him and his route and wonder if he also hears voices in his head.
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In this case I’m pretty sure we’re far away from the real person. William the character is the yandere of the group and even the other vampires seem a little preoccupied by him. I wonder if his route is maybe a little dangerous, I’m intrigued.
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Mmm... I know I’m going to attract the disappointment of his many fans but I don’t like Saint-Germain. He’s handsome yes, but the one thing I hate in LIs is fakeness and duplicity, and I feel it with every bone in my body this guy is a liar. He emanates the same vibes as Lucien and Leiftan. There’s so much you’re hiding Comte, and you don’t fool me one bit! Also, his colour palette is too yellow for my tastes.
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Sebastian is just boring to me. I don’t know.... he looks and sounds so plain. I hope there is some big mystery behind and that he will show more personality because at the moment he’s just meh. Also he can’t be just a simple, unknown human there must be something else (I hope).
So, currently, the characters who interest me are: Theo, Arthur, Isaac, Napoleon, Jean, William, Wolfgang 
While Vincent, Sebastian, Dazai, Leonardo and Comte all follow at the back of the queue.
Let’s see after a couple of months of playing if my opinions change.
And btw I’ve seen the three new vampires and they look so much cooler than all the main ones combined! I can’t wait for their routes to come out.
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